Shows and workshops in your school
Science Oxford creates and delivers a wide range of exciting science workshops and shows that enrich the science and technology curricula in your school. We offer a 15% discount as part of our annual membership for schools.
Before you book, watch our short film highlighting a selection of the shows and workshops we run in schools.
What does a visit to your school involve?
Our experienced team will put together a full or part-day programme of shows and workshops that fits into your school timetable and that allows sufficient time to set up, reset or clear away. The programme is tailored to each school and can usually include a mixture of activities for different Key Stages. Our shows and workshops have differing run times and we will always try to fit in with the timings of your usual school day. A small number of activities may require two Science Oxford staff members, who could also run two streams of other activities simultaneously.
Use the button below to see examples of timetables:
For timetables involving one staff member: £240*+VAT for a part day; £340*+VAT for a whole day
For timetables involving two staff members: £380*+VAT for a part day; £520*+VAT for a whole day
15% discount for Member Schools
We are able to offer discounted prices to schools with a high percentage of children eligible for free school meals. Please see here for details
*All prices are for the 2024/2025 academic year and are subject to VAT.
We continue to risk assess all our activities. Please read our risk assessments for individual shows and workshops, found on their own pages or collected on our Resources page.
To book a workshop or show, call 01865 810000, email [email protected] or complete our booking form for one of the shows or workshops below and we will contact you.
Active Evolution
60 min workshop for UKS2
Pupils learn about variation, natural selection, adaptation and evolution through a series of practical and discussion activities that really help to develop their understanding.
Air-Powered Mice
45 min workshop for FS & KS1.
Students discuss how air can be used to make things move before launching paper mice with empty plastic bottles and comparing the outcomes.
Amazing Animals
60 min show for FS & KS1.
An enormous variety of animals are found across the whole world. In this interactive show, your students are challenged to ask why there is such a range of different animals.
Changing State
90 min workshop for KS2.
"It will explode!"; "Nothing will happen."; "It will melt AND evaporate." Your children test their predictions by heating up different materials.
Circuit Detectives
75 min workshop for UKS2.
Students are challenged to find the faults in a series of electrical circuits, taking a systematic approach to problem solving.
Creature Creations
60m workshop for KS1 & LKS2.
Children investigate species adaptation and learn about habitats by making their own ‘Super Animal’ out of soft dough and other materials.
Crime Scene Science
75 min workshop for KS2.
A mystery white powder has been discovered at a crime scene and students must become forensic scientists to discover what it is by carrying out a series of chemical tests.
Exploring Sound
60 min workshop for KS2.
What is a sound? Your students explore different ways of making noise in a carousel of activities.
Floaty Boats
120 min workshop for KS1.
Children design and build rafts using a variety of materials, testing and refining their designs throughout the session.
Great Fire of London
60 min show designed for KS2, adapted for KS1.
What started the Great Fire in September 1666? How did it destroy so much of London? Would we be able to stop it today?
Inventing with Isobel
45 min show for FS & KS1.
Isobel is a great inventor, and comes up with loads of fantastic ideas! Your students help her to think about the properties of the materials she's using to solve her problems.
Joining Forces
60 min show for KS2.
Why have we brought a skateboard to your school? How does a person survive a fall from an aeroplane? We investigate the nature of forces and motion with fun demonstrations.
K’Nex Workshops
90 or 120 min workshops for Y2 & KS2.
Pupils become engineers and design, build and test working models using K’Nex. Workshop challenges include fairground rides, opening bridges, Mars Rovers and rubber band cars.
Micro:bit Codebreakers
120 min coding workshop for KS2.
Children will learn how to use a BBC micro:bit to send messages to each other, considering the importance of privacy while trying to work out who their secret agent partner is.
Micro:bit Robots
90 min coding workshop for KS2.
Children code a BBC micro:bit to control a robot buggy and explore the importance of testing and improving their designs.
Planetarium: An Astronaut’s Adventure
30 min show for FS & KS1.
Available on Mondays and Tuesdays. Immersed in our inflatable dome, children will look at the wonders of the night sky and travel to the moon and beyond in a learning environment that is out of this world.
Planetarium: Out in Space
1hr show for KS2.
Available on Mondays and Tuesdays. Immersed in our inflatable dome, children will look at the wonders of the night sky and explore the stars in a learning environment that is out of this world.
Practical Engineering
120 min workshop for UKS2.
Students learn how a basic motor works and use their knowledge of electrical circuits to build a working vacuum cleaner from everyday materials.
Science of Magic
60 min show for KS2.
Where did the water go? Why didn’t that fall over? How could an egg be taught to swim? Working scientifically, pupils try to figure out the science behind a series of amazing magic tricks.
Sound of Science
60 min show for KS2.
We are surrounded by sound in our everyday lives, but how often do we really think about it? This show explores how we make sound, how we hear it, how we can use it and most importantly how we can enjoy it!
Spy School
60 min workshop for KS2.
Join our top secret spy school and battle through a series of maths challenges; including cracking codes, reading hidden messages, solving sequences and discovering hidden co-ordinates."
The Fire Show
60 min show for KS2.
Fire: both the comfort of the hearth, and the danger of the inferno. We examine the nature of fire, answer your burning questions, and learn how fire can be controlled.
Water Rockets
120 min workshop for KS1 & KS2.
Children design and decorate plastic bottle rockets which are safely launched outside using water and compressed air. The rockets are spectacular and can reach heights of 30m, or can be launched horizontally as rocket cars.
Water Wheels
60 min workshop for KS2.
How will we keep the lights on when the fossil fuels run out? This workshop introduces some of the renewable and non-renewable ways that we generate electricity.