Paper Engineering

Kit Loan
Suitable For: KS2

Challenge your students to build something amazing with our paper engineering kit, which includes rolling sticks, super strong hole punches, tape and plenty of nuts and bolts. All you need to provide is A4 scrap paper and some inspiration…

Plenty of adult artists, engineers and architects have taken on similar challenges. Your class could look at the paper tower Shigeru Ban built for the London Design Festival (Ban has also built a paper bridge, houses and even a church!), the group of Lithuanian students who built a paper version of the Eiffel Tower or the paper bridge that Land Rover built to drive their SUV over in 2015.

Perfect for developing critical thinking skills, teamwork and resilience, paper engineering allows students to explore engineering concepts without worrying about wasting expensive materials if they get it ‘wrong’.

Lots of schools like to link this activity to their thematic learning, challenging students to work together to create towers, bridges or domes that can then be strength tested by adding weights or using a Newton meter (included) to pull down. We’ve also seen some great creative builds though, from usable football goals and thrones strong enough to sit on, to a yurt that the whole team could fit into!

Curriculum links:


Classic kit loan

£27.50 + VAT per kit for 2 weeks (members)
£55 + VAT per kit for 2 weeks (non members)
All school members get 2 weeks of free kit loan

Contact our schools team with any questions on [email protected] 

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Paper Engineering
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Bookings to visit the Science Oxford Centre are made via its own section of the website.
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Primary School Shows and Workshops

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We would usually expect one member of Science Oxford staff to be able to provide three activities in a day. Most of our shows are suitable for up to 60 children and most of our workshops for up to 30 children. We will create a draft timetable for you based on the information you provide below.

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For more information about any of our shows or workshops, please take a look at the list here. If you would like to discuss any aspect of a visit to your school with a member of our team, please email [email protected] or call us on 01865 810000, or add more information in the Comments section below. This is also recommended if you would like to book multiple days or presenters. A member of our team will be in touch shortly.
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