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Primary schools Planetarium show goes on tour – booking open!

Friday 14th September 2018

Our super-popular planetarium show is going back out on the road this November and now’s your chance to book it for your primary school. Our Schools Projects Officer Ian will be your host – sharing stories that ancient people told about the stars as well as pointing out star constellations that your students may be able to see for themselves in the night sky this autumn.

Ian is a bit of an expert on the stars – as well as writing and delivering Science Oxford’s Starry Skies show for the past three years, he spent his summers as a student presenting planetarium shows at the Exploratory in Bristol.  He loves the immersive nature of our show – which takes place in an amazing small, rounded cave-like planetarium and mostly in the dark – but his very favourite part is having the opportunity to inspire young minds with some incredible facts. For example, did you know that Betelgeuse, one of the stars that make up a constellation called Orion, is over 900 times bigger than our Sun?

It’s not just Ian who loves the show; pupils and teachers all over Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire have let us know how much they have enjoyed it too!  Teachers particularly like the cross-curricular links with storytelling, our presenters’ engaging approach and how the show is suitable for such a range of different ages.  Students called Starry Skies ‘inspiring’, ‘exciting’ and ‘fun’ but we think the experience can be summed up best by the words on one KS2 pupil: ‘The stars were awesome, especially when they moved. I love exploring, interesting things. I used to be scared of the dark but now I am not, the dark is fascinating.’

We are very grateful to STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, without whom we would be unable to put on the show.  STFC drive ground-breaking advances in science, engineering, computing and technology, including significant involvement in more than 200 international space missions.

Dates are extremely limited, so get in touch on [email protected]or call 01865 810000 to book.

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