Free places on our Thinking, Doing, Talking Science course
Wednesday 13th September 2023

We have free and discounted places available on our Thinking, Doing, Talking Science (TDTS) continued professional development course for teachers at the Science Oxford Centre, starting on 6 November.
The TDTS approach encourages children’s exploration, investigation, discovery and experimentation, and unlocks their excitement and enthusiasm for science. Making lessons more practical, creative and challenging, the TDTS approach provides opportunities for higher order thinking in science learning.
TDTS was developed by Science Oxford’s Director of Education and Engagement, Bridget Holligan, in partnership with Helen Wilson from Oxford Brookes University. The ethos behind TDTS is at the core of all our Science Oxford education programmes and provided the foundation for the development of our Science Oxford Centre in Headington. The course has been been named as one of the Education Endowment Foundation’s ‘promising projects’. Find out more and watch a video here.
About the course
Thanks to funding from The Oxford Trust, we are able to offer discounted places to all teachers on our upcoming four-day course. We also have free places available to those who work in schools where over 25% of pupils are in receipt of free school meals.
The four-day course will be delivered at the Science Oxford Centre in Headington, Oxford, on 6 November, 15 January, 4 March, and 22 April.
The TDTS strategies across the four days are exemplified through key stage 2 curriculum content, but they can be implemented across the whole primary science curriculum, and do not require any significant additional expense or planning time.
Teachers attending the course will receive:
- Practical activities to use in classrooms straight away
- Support to develop pupils in higher order thinking skills
- Strategies to support progression in ‘working scientifically’
- Content that covers both disciplinary and substantive knowledge
What teachers say about the course
“Fantastic course and ultimately life-changing for the recipients…. our children and tomorrow’s scientists.”
“It is the best course I have been on in my 13 years of teaching.”
The impact of Thinking, Doing, Talking Science
An efficacy trial (results published in the International Journal of Science Education) showed how the TDTS approach significantly increases pupil attainment and positively impacts attitudes in science. Particularly positive effects are shown for girls, while improvements are also shown in pupils with prior low attainment and there are indications the approach is beneficial for pupils eligible for free school meals. Read more here
How to book
The discounted per-teacher cost for the full course is £400 + VAT. The cost of a second teacher from a school is £200 +VAT.
This includes all lunches and refreshments; a ring binder of all hard copy TDTS resources; and access to all TDTS digital resources on the TDTS website.
To register interest in this course, or to request further information or examples of previous teacher feedback, please e-mail [email protected] or [email protected].