Exploration Zone
Imagine a space where children can create their own experiments, test their own designs and make their own discoveries. A space that challenges them to think and ask questions and to develop ideas and solutions through scientific play. Each of the hands-on exhibits in our Exploration Zone is designed to give children the freedom to explore, experiment, create and discover – at their own pace and in their own way. The Exploration Zone is open to those with tickets to Family Days, not STEM Clubs.
Here’s a flavour of the activities on offer… or check out the best bits in our short video by Albi, age 10!
Air Table
Make and test your own creation to hover over the Air Table
Scarf Shooter
Experiment with balls and scarves and make them fly through the giant tubes of the Scarf Shooter
Balls Down the Walls
Unleash your inner inventor with Balls Down the Walls
Circuits Workbench
Develop your engineering skills with our Circuits Workbench
Curious Camera
Discover a new you with our Curious Camera
Guess What?
Play Guess What? with a friend to figure out the hidden object
See the world differently with our amazing Microscopes
See how long you can keep it going!
Watch Water Freeze
Watch water freeze before your very eyes!