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STEM Insight Days

A STEM Insight Day is a one-day immersive experience, run over May half-term, giving Year 8 to 10 students insight into the world of STEM careers.

What does it involve? 

Each STEM Insight Day involves 3 main parts:

1. STEM Careers Skills

You’ll learn about skills that will help you succeed in a STEM career. It’s not just about being an expert in a science subject! We’ll look into the top 10 employability skills. Do you have the ability to solve problems, work in teams, work under pressure, negotiate, communicate? Are you self-motivated? Learn about why these skills are important and how to develop them.

2. STEM Careers “Challenge”

You’ll get hands on with problem solving, where you will be assigned a role in a team working together to creatively solve a series of STEM-related challenges. You could be a project manager, a design or manufacturing engineer or other key role in a STEM project. You’ll not only learn about the variety of roles in STEM but also gain insight into the far-reaching impact of science, how it is helping us understand more about our world, and how important it is in our lives.

3. Hear first-hand from an expert

We’ll take you out of roleplay to hear from the real-life STEM professionals about solving real-life challenges. You’ll hear from guest speakers working in local businesses at the forefront of innovation about what’s it’s like to work in STEM. You’ll hear about what to expect once you enter the working world of STEM. You may hear about surprising career journeys. You’ll get some great tips about how to prepare for and navigate a career in STEM.

You’ll have the chance to ask questions too. What’s the most interesting part of their work? What’s the most boring part? What advice would they give their 15-year-old self? What or who inspires them?


For more information, contact us at [email protected]

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