Continuing Professional Development
For primary teachers
The Science Oxford team comprises regional experts in leading STEM-focused professional development for primary teachers. We offer a wealth of opportunities, online and face-to-face, free and paid-for, for teachers to learn about the latest best practice, as well as acquire ideas and strategies to implement impactful techniques for teaching science in the classroom. All our CPD training provides activities to use in the classroom right away and is suitable for use with any primary science curriculum or scheme of work. Sign up for individual courses below.
Our CPD courses are all based on the Thinking, Doing, Talking Science approach. This research-based pedagogy was co-created by Science Oxford and Oxford Brookes University. It benefits pupils by:
- developing scientific knowledge and understanding through higher order thinking skills
- promoting oracy skills through dedicated discussion time
- boosting knowledge and enquiry skills through purposeful practical science activities
- providing inclusive and challenging science lessons
- enabling focused recording for assessment
For any queries relating to teacher CPD email [email protected].
Upcoming courses 2025
The following range of in-person and online professional development opportunities are available for primary teachers in 2025.
Thinking, Doing, Talking Science four-day course
3rd February; 31st March;
19th May; 30th June
9:30am – 3:30pm daily
Science Oxford Centre, OX3 8SB
FREE to attend
An in-depth series of training sessions that equips primary teachers as TDTScience practitioners
Registration for the course has now closed
Bright Ideas Time: a Thinking, Doing, Talking Science taster
7th May
3:45 – 4:45pm
Free for member schools; £20 for teachers from non-member schools
Explore creative ways to effectively develop higher-order thinking skills through dedicated discussion slots at the start of science lessons.
Primary Science Quality Mark
Enrolment is open for autumn term
A comprehensive one-year professional development programme to gives primary science subject leaders the knowledge, capability and support needed to improve the quality and profile of science education across the entire school.
Lovely practical ideas for exciting engaging lessons. Thank you!
Teacher, on TDTScience taster session
Bookable CPD for your school staff team
Would you like the Science Oxford team to deliver a CPD workshop in your school? Planning an INSET day or twilight science-focused session?
Get in touch today [email protected].