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National Nest Box Week

Let’s find more homes for birds! Nesting season starts in February, so celebrate National Nest Box Week and help Britain’s wildlife. With the help of these brilliant online resources for families., children can learn all about birds, find out why nest boxes make a difference, and how to install or make your own. If you already have a box, you can take a short survey about the birds that use it. You might also think about ways to help other wildlife, such as hedgehogs, dormice, bats or more!

Online resources at

Find out about our nest box programme in our woodland outside our Science Oxford Centre as we chat to Vic Toplisek from Nests 4 Nature here, and see what birds you can spot in your garden, local park or outside your window – don’t forget to ‘tweet’ us @ScienceOxford.


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Autumn Neagle

Events Marketing Officer