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Lockdown Ball Run

Challenge: Build a ball run where the ball takes as long as possible to get to the end without stopping – try and make one that lasts for 2 seconds (young children), 8 seconds or even 20 seconds!

Download our activity sheet: Ball Run Challenge

Your ball run will be completely unique! You can use any surface, any building materials and any type of ball to create your own ball run. We’ve put together some tips and things to think about, as well as some ideas to get you started if you’re feeling stuck. Don’t forget to download the Science Oxford Challenge Poster  to show off your creation, or make your own!

You can also check out this week’s Recommended Resources for Roller Coaster Marble Mazes and more invention ideas.

Skills: creativity, resilience, spatial awareness, gross and fine motor skills, designing to a specification, testing, evaluation, improving a design, patience, verbal and social skills, engineering skills, teamwork, using equipment, timing, observation, developing an understanding of gravity.

Age group: EYFS, KS1, KS2, adult – all ages welcome to join in!

What you will need: a surface to build on with props at one end, materials to build with and a way of securing them, a ball, a timing method

Share your challenge with us…

Show us what you came up with on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram and tag: @scienceoxford #scienceoxfordchallenge #scienceathome or email a video or photo to [email protected].

If you enjoyed this challenge you might like our Saturday Science Club when we reopen.