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IF Oxford 2023 celebrating science and ideas

Tuesday 5th September 2023

It’s nearly festival time! Festivals are great celebrations, and IF Oxford is a true celebration of science and ideas!

IF Oxford science and ideas Festival, 2023 is just around the corner. For three weeks, from 7th to 28th October, the festival will be captivating interest and inspiring curious minds at over 100 events around Oxford and online.

Tuned into tech? Enthusiastic about the environment? Hooked on health? Curious about culture? Appetite for art? Mused by maths? Nourished by all things nature? Stimulated, or stumped, by science? There’s something for everyone! You’ll find activities for young children and families, or sessions for teenagers and adults to enjoy alone or as a group in venues across Oxford or from the comfort of home.

While having fun exploring science, you could meet experts, learn something new, perform your own hands-on experiments, get creative, have interesting conversations and gain new perspectives. Find the programme online and plan your month.

We’re excited to be taking part again this year, and joining the many partners and supporters connecting people with science.

Join Science Oxford at IF Oxford

Over the month of October, we’re boosting our series of Family Days with Live Lab activities led by real-world scientists. Live Labs are held in the Exploration Zone on Saturdays, including a lower-capacity our Sensory-friendly Family Day on 7th October.

Visit the Centre with the family for Super Science Sunday with IF Oxford, on 15th October, and spend a special day with researchers, presenters and publishers. Learn about the design of medicines, the importance of natural ecosystems and how engineers tackle big problems with lots of fun hands-on activities! And while you’re here, you’ll also be able to enjoy the delights of the Exploration Zone, woodland and Water Lab. This event is recommended for ages 7+.

For teenagers and adults, on 18th October, we’re hosting IF Oxford’s screening of the UK Atomic Energy Authority’s documentary film ‘STARMAKERS: The Energy of Tomorrow’, which celebrates the scientific and engineering achievements of the Joint European Torus, the world’s largest star machine, breaking a fusion energy record. You can join fusion scientists in discussion after the screening and hear about testing fusion fuels for the future and sustainable nuclear energy.

Our Technology Projects Officer Sarah Townson will be presenting ‘Glow Your Own 2023’ coding sessions as part of the Festival programme, along with IF Oxford, STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UKAEA, Fusion Arts and Oxford City Council. The weekly online workshops series, starting on 11th October, will help you build your own creative circuit with sensors that control LEDs and motors and get you ready for the Oxford Light Festival by creating your very own moving lantern.

Looking for other recommendations?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed for choice, follow us on social media where we’ll be sharing our team’s recommendations for events and activities they hope to attend too.

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