Centre awarded Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge
Tuesday 22nd February 2022

We are thrilled to announce our Science Oxford Centre was recently re-awarded the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom’s Quality Badge, a seal of approval that shows to schools that our primary education programme is of a high standard. The Quality Badge certificate was first awarded in 2019 after the Centre opening and reflects our continued quality offering.
The LOtC Quality Badge is the only national award combining the essential elements of provision – learning and safety – into a trusted accreditation scheme for all types of learning outside the classroom.
Our schools programme is built on an approach called Thinking, Doing, Talking Science which encourages children to experiment, ask questions and test their ideas and so develop their higher-order thinking skills. Since officially opening our brand-new Science Oxford Centre in Headington, we have welcomed thousands of schools and families. Children can enjoy hands-on activities in the Exploration Zone, guided nature walks to explore our 15 acres of woodland and a range of shows and workshops. The Quality Badge also includes our outreach visits to museums and libraries as well as schools across the region.
Outdoor Learning and Ecology manager, Dr Roger Baker (pictured above) said, “I’m so delighted, the team have all have worked extremely hard creating a fantastic programme. The great thing is that this award will reduce the red tape for teachers planning a visit, removing a potential barrier to children receiving a wonderful educational experience at our centre.”
The LOtC Quality Badge means that the Science OxfordCentre has passed a robust assessment designed to ensure that we are meeting schools’ learning and risk management needs.
The Department for Education guidance on Health & Safety on educational visits recommends that schools look for the LOtC Quality Badge when choosing external providers of educational visits.
The scheme is managed and developed by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom. Find out more at www.lotcqualitybadge.org.uk.
You can book your primary school visit to our Centre here or sign up for one of our teacher taster sessions scheduled on the first Thursday of the month (watch our Teacher Taster film below.)
First published 18 Dec 2019
Updated 22 February 2022